Integration Wizards SpyGlass

Integration Wizards SpyGlass

Spyglass is a search and monitoring platform for electronic transactions. It addresses the lack of transparency in electronic transactions across multiple platforms and disperse applications within an Enterprise and between trading partners.
We firmly believe that SpyGlass will be used on a daily basis by our clients to have better control and visibility across their electronic transactions, as well as improve response times to any errors or exceptions that may occur.

Typically an electronic transaction moves across multiple applications and platforms during the exchange between two end-points and it may also change syntax in the process.
When a transaction goes missing there is a lot of investigative work required to work out where and what went wrong, often requiring multiple people to be involved and query multiple applications, before the source of the problem can be pinpointed.

SpyGlass is to simplifies these tasks of finding missing transactions, by enable searches across multiple platforms and formats, regardless whether the transaction is stored as a file in a file system or in a database. This means that one person can quickly find out the reason for a missing transaction, without the need to know the inner workings of the participating applications.

It also handles the search of related transactions, by allowing relationships between files to be defined. This is particularly useful with EDI and other business process related transactions, where you might want to find all the transactions related a particular process, such as all transactions from order to invoice in a typical Customer Order scenario.


  • Faster issue resolution times.
  • Improved visibility across business transactions.
  • Less investigate work required.
  • Search all transactions related to a business process simultaneously.
The SpyGlass monitoring functionality allow to set acceptable time limits to process individual transactions for a specific business process. If a transaction, such as an Order Response has not been received for an Order within the defined time limit, the responsible person is notified to take action.


  • Proactive rather than reactive approach to business process issues.
  • Improved Customer/Supplier service levels.
  • Improved business process stability and reliability.
  • Quick notification of incomplete business processes.
SpyGlass Metrics allows reporting on specific fields within your electronic transactions, to find out measures such as total order value received via EDI by customer, most frequently ordered item numbers etc.


  • In-depth analysis of transaction data.
  • Improved basis for decision making.
  • Increased visibility.

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